Minority Press Releases

March 2021
Toomey on Eviction Moratorium Extension: Lacks Legal Basis and Economic Justification
Toomey Launches Review of Mission Creep by Regional Federal Reserve Banks
Toomey: Democrat Spending Bill Cause for Concern, Not Celebration
Toomey Presses SEC on New Climate Enforcement Task Force
Toomey: Congress, Federal Reserve Must Resist Urge to Permanently Expand Size of Fed. Govt.
Toomey, Risch, Kennedy, Hagerty Call on Treasury to Abandon Effort to Use the IMF Currency for Foreign Aid
Toomey Presses Ex-Im on Climate Change Executive Order
Toomey, Crapo, Burr Urge DOL to Put Americans’ Retirement Savings Above ESG Objectives
Toomey: Climate Policy Beyond the Scope of Financial Regulators
Toomey, GOP Banking Members Caution Federal Reserve Against Climate Change Regulations
Toomey: Housing Finance System in Urgent Need of Reform
Toomey Outlines Housing Finance Reform Principles
Toomey Opposes Gensler, Chopra Nominations
Toomey: Fudge Lacks Temperament, Bipartisanship and Experience Necessary to Serve as HUD Secretary
Toomey: New Apps, Zero Dollar Trades Helping More Americans Reap Gains From Equities Than Ever Before
Toomey: This is no time to abandon capitalism
Senate Slashes $140 Million Silicon Valley Subway Earmark from COVID-19 Relief Bill
Toomey Opening Statement During Chopra, Gensler Nomination Hearing
February 2021
Toomey, Hearing Witnesses Highlight Harmful Impacts of Democrats’ $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill
Toomey Opening Statement at Banking Hearing on COVID and Small Businesses
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