Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee

Prepared Testimony of Mr. Charles A. Gueli
Member-Designate, Board of Directors
National Institute of Building Sciences

Nomination Hearing
10:00 a.m., Thursday, March 6, 1997

Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, Good Morning.

I am honored and pleased to be here before you today for this hearing, concerning my nomination to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). I am also very excited about the opportunity to work with the board and staff of NIBS in the pursuit of their mission to be the authoritative national source of knowledge and advice on matters of building science and technology.

Mr. Chairman, I have over thirty years experience with the built environment as an Architect, Planner, Researcher, Educator, Banker, Builder and Developer. In these various professional capacities I have served in both the public and private sector.

Currently, I am the Director of Merrill Lynch's Mortgage Program for the Washington, Maryland and Virginia district. I have been president of my own real estate management company and held executive positions at various commercial real estate development companies. I've also been the Development Director for the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation responsible for directing the Corporation's activities on the development of projects such as the Willard Hotel, National Place, the Old Post Office Pavilion and Market Square.

I have designed and monitored the construction of buildings as an Architect and been responsible for the environmental quality and design of major urban spaces such as lower Manhattan in New York and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. as an Urban Planner.

I also have experience in the introduction of new building technology, building codes and life safety standards to the building community through my work as Site Development Director for several Operation Breakthrough Modular Housing sites while at the Departinent of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

At HUD I managed the Design Research program. Its focus was the improvement of the design quality of the housing and living environments developed by HUD under its housing and community development activities. The products of this research program included: Innovative uses of new materials in construction and site infrastructure; Solar Energy Housing Design Guidelines and Standards; Modular Housing Design Guidelines; New American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A 117 Standards for the Handicapped; and Residential Security Design Guidelines used as Defensible Space criteria today at HUD.

Mr. Chairman, a significant portion of my professional career has been involved in matters of building science and concerned with the design, technology and quality of the built environment. I look forward to my continued commitment to these endeavors as a Board Member of the National Institute of Building Sciences.

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