Prepared Testimony of U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI)

Hearing on the Nomination of Andrew Cuomo
to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

January 22, 1997

Mr. Chairman, Senator Sarbanes, fellow members of the Committee, thank you. While I am new to the Committee, the issue of housing has long been a concern of mine and was a reason I sought a seat on this panel.

Before addressing Mr. Cuomo's nomination, I would like to point out that while we are gaining a great new Secretary we are losing a tremendous asset in the person of Secretary Cisneros. I first came to know Mr. Cisneros during our service in the Army, and I think he deserves great credit for his exertions and successes in starting the process of improving HUD -- obviously a result of his Army service.

However,, we are fortunate to have Assistant Secretary Cuomo as his successor. He brings vigor, dedication, and expertise to this job. He has served well at HUD,, and he has chosen to make the concerns of the less powerful his own. Mr. Cuomo did so when he left private practice to concentrate his energies on addressing the transitional housing needs of the homeless through HELP -- Housing Enterprise for the Less Privileged. Mr. Cuomo also recognizes the need to redevelop our nation's cities and the positive role HUD can play in this process.

Clearly, a number of major issues confront the next HUD Secretary. Indeed, the issue of expiring Section 8 contracts must be addressed in order to preserve the affordable housing of many elderly Rhode Islanders. Moreover, Congress and HUD need to pass legislation to reauthorize a multitude of housing programs.

I look forward to today"s hearing and to Mr. Cuomo's responses to the Committee's questions.

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