June 09, 2010


Washington, DC – Tomorrow, the House-Senate Conference on the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will convene to begin its work on the most sweeping reforms to the financial regulatory system since the Great Depression. Conferees will meet tomorrow in an open, public televised meeting to give their opening statements. A more detailed schedule of subsequent meetings will be released at a later date.
Due to high demand and limited seating in the committee room, media will be limited to one seat per news organization.  To request a seat, please contact Elizabeth Esfahani at elizabeth.esfahani@mail.house.gov. All media must be credentialed by the media galleries. The hearing also will be broadcast live on C-SPAN 3 and webcast live at financialservices.house.gov and C-SPAN.org, and an overflow room will be available in 2220 Rayburn House Office Building.
WHO:             House-Senate Conferees
WHAT:           House-Senate Conference on the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
WHEN:           Thursday, June 10
                        2:15 p.m.
WHERE:         2128 Rayburn House Office Building