June 16, 2009


WASHINGTON – Today Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, announced that he has hired Kirstin Brost to be the committee’s new Communications Director and promoted Justine Sessions to the position of Press Secretary.
“This is an historic moment for the Banking Committee as we work with President Obama to build the foundations for a stronger and safer financial system that puts America on a path towards recovery,” said Dodd.  “As I travel around my state of Connecticut, I see the toll this tough economy is taking in the look in people’s eyes and the worry in their voices.  They want to know what Congress is doing to prevent these problems from happening again.  As we try to restore public confidence, it is crucial that the committee can explain the work we are doing to turn things around.”
Justine Sessions moves to the Banking Committee from Senator Dodd’s personal office where she has served as Deputy Press Secretary for the last 2 years.  Sessions is from New Hartford, Connecticut and is a graduate of Washington and Lee University.
Kirstin Brost has served the last four years as Spokeswoman for the House Appropriations Committee.  She is a veteran of both Congress and political campaigns, having worked for the Washington State Democrats during Senator Patty Murray’s reelection campaign, Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and Al Gore’s presidential campaign.  Brost is from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and is a graduate of the George Washington University.