January 10, 2017

Brown Urges Trump to Reject Latest Attack on Consumers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – ranking member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee – today urged President-elect Donald Trump to reject efforts by predatory lenders and their allies in Congress to gut protections for working Americans by removing Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray before his term expires in July 2018.

"Under Richard Cordray’s leadership, the CFPB has returned $12 billion to servicemembers, seniors, and working Americans who’ve been ripped off by shady debt collectors, for-profit schools, payday lenders, and huge banks like Wells Fargo," Brown said. "Firing Cordray and abolishing the consumer bureau so the special interests can get their $12 billion back would shatter President-elect Trump's promise to hold Wall Street accountable and protect working people."
