May 02, 2019

Brown: Trump Must Choose FED Nominee Who Will Put Working People First

As Stephen Moore Withdraws from Consideration for FED Board, Top Banking Democrat Calls on President to Move Forward by Nominating Qualified, Independent Board Members

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) – Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – is calling on President Trump to nominate qualified, independent candidates to serve on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors who will put the needs of working people first. Brown commented today following news that Stephen Moore had withdrawn from consideration. Brown led opposition to Moore and Herman Cain in the Senate. Moore is the second potential Fed nominee to withdraw in recent weeks, following Cain.


“The Fed has enormous influence over the lives of working people across the country, and whomever the President nominates to serve must understand that we measure the strength of our economy based on the paychecks of those workers, not Wall Street’s profits. I urge the President to put careful consideration into his next nomination and choose candidates who are qualified, independent and put the needs of working people first.”



