March 28, 2019

Brown Statement on President Trump's Housing Finance Executive Order

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – released the following statement following President Trump’s Executive Order on Housing Finance.


“The President says that he will make ‘sustainable home ownership for American families our benchmark of success,’ and I hope he means it. But this White House has a history of saying the right things and then taking actions that hurt workers and families. And I don’t have a lot of faith in Secretary Mnuchin, who got rich by kicking people out of their homes, to put the needs of renters and homeowners ahead of Wall Street. For any plan to make housing affordable and available to American families, it must meet the needs of small lenders, consumers, and the civil rights community which were laid out in the Senate Banking Committee this week,” said Brown. “Congress must play a key role in reforming our housing market, and I will fight to ensure we start by addressing the affordability crisis that is hurting too many renters and homeowners across this country. Failure to put working people first would threaten access to affordable homeownership and rental housing, put the viability of the 30-year mortgage at risk, and hit lower income communities, communities of color, and rural Americans particularly hard.”

