July 18, 2017

Brown Opening Statement at Committee Nominations Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) – ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs – released the following opening statement at today’s hearing on nominations.

Brown’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow.


Senator Sherrod Brown

Opening Statement

Nominations Hearing

July 18, 2017


I want to join Chairman Crapo in welcoming all our nominees and their families, and thanking you for your willingness to serve in these key public service roles.

Mr. Chris Campbell has been nominated by President Trump to serve as Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions at the Department of Treasury.

This position is responsible for developing and coordinating the Treasury’s policies regarding financial institutions. 

My support for Wall Street Reform is clear, and I am very concerned about efforts to roll back important rules we put in place after the financial crisis to protect consumers and prevent more taxpayer bailouts.

I have known Mr. Campbell for several years and appreciate his long history of working to foster bipartisanship on the Finance Committee.

If confirmed, I hope he will do the same in this role, and be a strong voice to protect, and even strengthen, the Dodd Frank rules that promote financial stability, safety and soundness, and strong consumer protections, and not just adopt the industry talking points.

We will also be considering three nominees for the Department of Housing and Urban Development today.

All of these positions are important for fulfilling HUD’s mission of creating “strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.”  HUD and its programs are critical to families and communities in Ohio and all around the country. 

If confirmed as HUD’s General Counsel, Mr. Paul Compton would help set the tone for HUD’s approach to legislation, renter and homeowner protections, and enforcement.  

If confirmed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Ms. Anna Maria Farias would be responsible for implementing and enforcing HUD’s fair housing laws. 

Mr. Neal Rackleff is an affordable housing and community development attorney who recently led the City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department.  The president nominated him to serve as the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Community Planning and Development, which administers the Community Development Block Grant, HOME, and Homeless Assistance Programs.

And we will be considering two nominees for the Department of Commerce.

Mr. Richard Ashooh has been nominated as Assistant Secretary to assist and advise the Under Secretary of Commerce on the development of policies affecting Export Administration issues.

This position provides direction to and management of the national security, nonproliferation, foreign policy, national defense, and strategic industrial resource functions at the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).

This is a critical, though often overlooked, national security role in our government.

Ms. Erin Walsh has been nominated to serve as Assistant Secretary for Global Markets and Director General of the US Foreign and Commercial Service, where she would direct the activities of the International Trade Administration’s (ITA) export promotion programs.

We know American products made by American workers can compete with any in the world if given the chance – and that’s what this position will do, give American companies the chance.

This position provides strategic direction and management oversight for a network of trade professionals located around the world. They’re responsible for American firms’ entry into foreign markets and expansion of exports, and for promoting foreign direct investment in the United States.

Congratulations again to all our witnesses, and I look forward to your testimony and your answers to the members’ questions. Thank you Mr. Chairman.
