September 09, 2021

Banking Republicans Demand Transparent Process on Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spending Spree

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Banking Committee Republicans want Democrats to keep with precedent and commit to hold hearings and a markup before the full Senate moves forward with Democrats’ $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree.

In a letter to Chairman Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Banking Committee Republicans wrote:

“While we believe this profound increase in spending to be ill-advised, it would be doubly so without the thorough vetting of proposals afforded by the committee process.”

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“As the majority plans to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars, it is imperative that members of our Committee have the opportunity to discuss and amend the Committee’s reconciliation package, in keeping with standing Committee practice, Senatorial courtesy, and full accountability to the American people."

The senators requested the Chairman follow the regular-order committee process to ensure all Banking Committee members are afforded the opportunity to amend, debate, and vote on the Democrats’ massive tax-and-spending spree.

“If Democrats now proceed on this massive tax and spending bill without the benefit of the committee process, we fear that it will be the lobbyists and special interests who will have written a multi-trillion package rather than the people’s elected representatives.”

Read the full letter here or below.


September 9, 2021

Dear Chairman Brown:

The recently passed budget resolution, Senate Concurrent Resolution 14, includes instructions stating that the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee “shall report changes in laws within its jurisdiction that increase the deficit by not more than $332,000,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2031.” While we believe this profound increase in spending to be ill-advised, it would be doubly so without the thorough vetting of proposals afforded by the committee process. Unfortunately, it has been reported the Democratic majority intends to usurp committee jurisdiction and bring the reconciliation package straight to the Senate floor rather than build legislation through regular-order deliberation. As the majority plans to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars, it is imperative that members of our Committee have the opportunity to discuss and amend the Committee’s reconciliation package, in keeping with standing Committee practice, Senatorial courtesy, and full accountability to the American people.

During the 115th Congress, the Republican majority approved the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act after a thorough, robust, and transparent committee process. The Senate Finance Committee held multiple hearings and a marathon markup prior to floor consideration of the legislation. If Democrats now proceed on this massive tax and spending bill without the benefit of the committee process, we fear that it will be the lobbyists and special interests who will have written a multi-trillion package rather than the people’s elected representatives.    

Therefore, we ask that you hold hearings with outside witnesses and commit to a regular-order business meeting where all of the Committee’s members are given the opportunity to amend, debate, and vote on this legislation. The committee process plays a crucial role in the functioning of the Senate and the American people deserve to have all legislators – regardless of party – engage in a serious and thoughtful discussion about the needs of our nation as well as the costs and burdens to the taxpayer resulting from this legislation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We trust you will grant Committee members the opportunity to consider this exorbitant legislative proposal through regular order. 
