February 17, 2022

Brown: Republicans Are AWOL in the Fight Against Inflation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, issued the following statement on Republican attempts to block key federal Reserve Nominees:

“Ranking Member Toomey is holding up our fight against inflation because Ms. Bloom Raskin doesn’t remember a phone call from five years ago. Ranking Member Toomey isn’t interested in answers, only preventing a qualified Vice Chair for Supervision, twice before confirmed by the Senate, from even receiving a vote in Committee. When Democrats opposed Banking and Housing Committee nominees in the last Administration, we still showed up and voted our conscience. All of those nominees went to the Senate floor. As my colleague, Senator Grassley, recently said, ‘I think I get paid to do my job.’ We need to do our jobs and move the President’s historic slate of Federal Reserve nominees. The American people want action to fight inflation – not political stunts.”
