Majority Press Releases

May 21, 2015

ICYMI: Consumer Advocacy Groups Oppose "The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015"

AFL-CIO: "The 2008 financial crisis nearly brought down the world's financial system. Domestically, the crisis resulted in the loss of homes, jobs, and retirement savings for millions of Americans, including thousands of our members. Working people suffered the consequences of Wall Street greed and, in 2010, many in Congress worked to pass Dodd-Frank to prevent another crisis from doing the same. The AFL-CIO then and now strongly supports Dodd-Frank, and we have consistently spoken out in opposi… Continue Reading

May 19, 2015

Banking Committee Democrats Introduce Plan to Help Main Street Banks and Protect Consumers

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Democrats on the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs today unveiled a proposal to provide targeted regulatory relief for America's smallest financial institutions, while strengthening consumer protections. All 10 of the committee's Democrats support the plan, which they will offer as an alternative when the committee considers "The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015." "The Banking Committee's hearings this year have demonstrated that Democra… Continue Reading

April 28, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on Insurance Regulation

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "The State of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulation." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement Hearing: "The State of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulation." April 28, 2015 Thank you… Continue Reading

April 23, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Surface Transportation Reauthorization

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "Surface Transportation Reauthorization: Building on the Successes of MAP-21 to Deliver Safe, Efficient, and Effective Public Transportation Services and Projects." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement Hearin… Continue Reading

April 21, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Surface Transportation Reauthorization

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "Surface Transportation Reauthorization: Building on the Successes of MAP-21 to Deliver Safe, Efficient, and Effective Public Transportation Services and Projects." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: "Surf… Continue Reading

April 16, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Mortgage Credit Availability

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing on mortgage credit availability. Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: Hearing on Mortgage Credit Availability April 16, 2015 Thank you, Chairman Shelby, and thank you to our witnesses for being here today. … Continue Reading

March 3, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Fed Reform and Accountability

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled, "Federal Reserve Accountability and Reform." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement Hearing: "Federal Reserve Accountability and Reform" March 3, 2015 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The Federal Re… Continue Reading

February 24, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Semiannual Monetary Policy Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing titled, "The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: Hearing on "The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress" February 24, 2015 Thank you Mr. Chai… Continue Reading

February 12, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Regulatory Relief For Community Banks And Credit Unions

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: Hearing on "Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions" February 12, 2015 Thank you M… Continue Reading

February 10, 2015

Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee’s Hearing on Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: Hearing on "Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions" February 10, 2015 Thank you,… Continue Reading

January 29, 2015


WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's Executive Session meeting to mark-up legislation entitled "Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: Iran Sanctions Mark-up January 29, 2015 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. None of us d… Continue Reading

January 27, 2015


WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) - Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - released the following opening statement, as prepared for delivery, at today's hearing entitled "Perspectives on the Strategic Necessity of Iran Sanctions." Brown's remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow. Senator Sherrod Brown - Opening Statement: "Perspectives on the Strategic Necessity of Iran Sanctions" January 27, 2015 Thank you, Mr… Continue Reading

January 23, 2015

Brown Announces Subcommittee Leadership For Senate Committee On Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown - Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - today announced the Committee's subcommittee leadership assignments for the 114th Congress. The subcommittee leadership assignments are as follows: Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Chair: Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) Ranking Member: Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Financial Institutions and Consumer Protections Chair: Senator Patrick J. Toomey… Continue Reading

December 18, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) sent letters on Wednesday to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan, U.S. Department of the Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray calling for coordinated action between the agencies to address issues in the student loan market, including student loan servicing and debt collection. "While college still represents one of the surest paths to the middle cl… Continue Reading

December 12, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement congratulating Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) on being named Ranking Member for the Banking Committee next Congress. "Sen. Brown has been a hardworking, fair-minded, and active member of the Banking Committee who possesses a keen understanding of the Committee's issues. I've enjoyed working with him over the years and I know he'll do a great job as Ranking Member. As a lifelong Dodgers fan, … Continue Reading

December 11, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement regarding today's announcement by the Federal Housing Finance Agency to direct Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to allocate funding for the Housing Trust Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund. "Today's announcement by the Federal Housing Finance Agency to fund the Housing Trust Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund is good news for millions of Americans seeking affordable and permanent housing. These Fund… Continue Reading

December 10, 2014


WASHINGTON - Today, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) held a hearing titled "Cybersecurity: Enhancing Coordination to Protect the Financial Sector." Below is Chairman Johnson's statement as prepared for delivery: "I call this hearing to order. "For my last hearing as Banking Committee Chairman, I am focusing on an issue that will require action in the next Congress and beyond. "Responsible management of cyber risks by financial institutions is important for … Continue Reading

December 2, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement on the Senate confirmation of Ms. Nani Coloretti to be Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). "I congratulate Nani Coloretti on being confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as HUD Deputy Secretary. In her new role, Coloretti will help oversee critical HUD programs that provide affordable rental housing, community and economic development opportunities, an… Continue Reading

November 24, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement on today's announcement by Secretary of State John Kerry in Vienna that the P5+1 and Iran have agreed to extend the Iran nuclear negotiations. This extension will maintain the current freeze of Iran's nuclear program in return for limited sanctions relief as negotiations toward a final agreement continue. "I support this interim agreement to continue to freeze Iran's nuclear program in return f… Continue Reading

November 19, 2014


WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) released the following statement on the Committee's approval of two nominations. The Committee approved the nominations of Ms. Lourdes Maria Castro Ramirez, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by voice vote; and Ms. Therese W. McMillan, of California, to be the Federal Transit Administrator at the U.S. Department of Transportation by voice vote. "Ms. Ramirez has the understanding and e… Continue Reading

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