Full Committee Hearing

The Collapse of MF Global: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications

Date:   Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Time:   10:00 AM

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COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing entitled “The Collapse of MF Global: Lessons Learned and Policy Implications.” The witnesses will be: Mr. James W. Giddens, Trustee, Securities Investment Protection Act Liquidation of MF Global Inc.; The Honorable Louis Freeh, Trustee, MF Global Holdings; The Honorable Jill Sommers, Commissioner, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Mr. Robert Cook, Director, Division of Trading and Markets, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Mr. Richard Ketchum, President, Chairman & CEO, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority; and Mr. Terrence A. Duffy, Executive Chairman, Chicago Mercantile Exchange.


Majority Statements

  1. Senator Tim Johnson

Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. Robert Cook
    Director, Division of Trading and Markets
    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  2. Mr. Terrence A. Duffy
    Executive Chairman
    Chicago Mercantile Exchange
  3. The Honorable Louis Freeh
    MF Global Holdings
  4. Mr. James W. Giddens
    Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
  5. Mr. Richard Ketchum
    President, Chairman, & CEO
    Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  6. The Honorable Jill Sommers
    U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission