Full Committee Hearing

Reauthorization of the Defense Production Act

Date:   Thursday, June 5, 2003 Time:   10:00 AM

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The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a legislative hearing on Reauthorization of the Defense Production Act.


Witness Panel 1

  1. Ms. Karen K. Bhatia
    Deputy Undersecretary for Industry and Security
    Department of Commerce
  2. Honorable Suzanne D. Patrick
    Deputy Under Secretary for Industrial Policy
    Department of Defense
  3. Mr. R. David Paulison
    Director, Preparedness Division
    Department of Homeland Security
  4. Honorable Ronald M. Sega
    Director, Defense Research and Engineering
    Department of Defense
  5. Ms. Denise Swink
    Acting Director, Energy Assurance
    Department of Energy