Full Committee Hearing

Promoting Broader Access to Public Transportation for America’s Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Date:   Wednesday, June 29, 2011 Time:   02:00 PM

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The witnesses will be: Mr. Lee Hammond, President of the American Association of Retired Persons; Dr. Mary A. Leary, Assistant Vice President for Easter Seals Transportation Group; Mr. Steven Fittante, Executive Director of Middlesex County Area Transit; and Mr. Randal O’Toole, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute. Additional witnesses may be announced.


Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. James Corless
    Transportation for America
  2. Mr. Steven Fittante
    Executive Director
    Middlesex County Area Transit
  3. Mr. Lee Hammond
    American Association of Retired Persons
  4. Dr. Mary A. Leary
    Assistant Vice President
    Easter Seals Transportation Group
  5. Mr. Randal O'Toole
    Senior Fellow
    Cato Institute