Full Committee Hearing

Private Student Loans: Regulatory Perspectives

Date:   Tuesday, June 25, 2013 Time:   10:00 AM

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COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIRS will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing on “Private Student Loans: Regulatory Perspectives.” The witnesses will be: Mr. Rohit Chopra, Student Loan Ombudsman, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; Mr. John Lyons, Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervisions Policy and Chief National Bank Examiner, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Mr. Todd Vermilyea, Senior Associate Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and Ms. Doreen Eberly, Director of Risk Management Supervision, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.


Majority Statements

  1. Senator Tim Johnson

Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. Rohit Chopra
    Student Loan Ombudsman
    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  2. Ms. Doreen Eberley
    Director of Risk Management Supervision
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  3. Mr. John Lyons
    Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervisions Policy and Chief National Bank Examiner
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  4. Mr. Todd Vermilyea
    Senior Associate Director, Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System