Full Committee Hearing

Pending Nominations to HUD and the Tresury Department

Date:   Thursday, July 15, 2004 Time:   02:30 PM

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The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing on the nominations of Mr. Stuart Levey, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement; Mr. Juan Carlos Zarate, of California, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes; and Ms. Carin M. Barth, of Texas, to be the Chief Financial Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development.


Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. Stuart Levey
    Under Secretary - Designate
    Department of the Treasury
  2. Mr. Juan Carlos Zarate
    Senior Advisor, Transnational Threat Project
    Center for Strategic and International Studies

Witness Panel 2

  1. Ms. Carin M. Barth
    Chief Financial Officer - Designate
    Department of Housing and Urban Development