Executive Session

EXECUTIVE SESSION to MARK-UP an original bill entitled: Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 -- NOTE: Seating for the Committee's Executive Session will be limited, however, the event will be webcast live.

Date:   Monday, March 22, 2010 Time:   05:00 PM

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Majority Statements

  1. Senator Jon Tester
  2. Senator Herb Kohl
  3. Senator Christopher J. Dodd
  4. Senator Tim Johnson
  5. Senator Sherrod Brown
  6. Senator Jack Reed
  7. Senator Charles E. Schumer
  8. Senator Jeff Merkley
  9. Senator Robert Menendez

Minority Statements

  1. Senator Richard C. Shelby
  2. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
  3. Senator Mike Johanns