Full Committee Hearing

Examining the Regulation and Supervision of Industrial Loan Companies

Date:   Thursday, October 4, 2007 Time:   10:00 AM

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The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing on "Examining the Regulation and Supervision of Industrial Loan Companies".


Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. Scott Alvarez
    General Counsel
    Federal Reserve Board
  2. Mr. John Bovenzi
    Oliver Wynman
  3. Mr. Edward Leary
    State of Utah Department of Financial Institutions
  4. Mr. Scott M. Polakoff
    Senior Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer
    Office of Thrift Supervision
  5. Mr. Erik Sirri
    Director, Division of Market Regulation
    Securities and Exchange Commission

Witness Panel 2

  1. Ms. Brigid Kelly
    Director of Politics and Communication
    UFCW Local 1099
  2. Mr. Marc Lackritz
    Securities Industry Association
  3. Mr. J.J. Singh
    Vice President for Financial and Communications Services
    Flying J, Inc.
  4. Honorable Peter Wallison
    Arthur F. Burns Fellow in Financial Policy Studies
    American Enterprise Institute
  5. Mr. Arthur Wilmarth, Jr.
    Professor of Law
    George Washington University Law School
  6. Mr. Edward Yingling
    President and CEO
    American Bankers Association