Full Committee Hearing

A Review of Self-Regulatory Organizations in the Securities Markets

Date:   Thursday, March 9, 2006 Time:   10:00 AM

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will meet in OPEN SESSION to conduct a hearing on “A Review of Self-Regulatory Organizations in the Securities Markets.”


Witness Panel 1

  1. Mr. Richard C. Ferlauto
    Director of Corporate Governance and Pension Investment
    American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  2. Mr. Robert Glauber
    Chairman and CEO
    National Association of Securities Dealers
  3. Dr. Henry Hu
    Allan Shivers Chair in the Law of Banking and Finance
    University of Texas School of Law
  4. Mr. Marc Lackritz
    Securities Industry Association
  5. Mr. John Thain
    New York Stock Exchange
  6. Ms. Ann Yerger
    Executive Director
    Council of Institutional Investors